Who we are

The story of Willi's Wine Bar begins a long, long time ago — in the Rolodex age. It was a time when wine bars in Paris were an unheard of prospect, and Rhône wines were deeply unfashionable.
Mark Williamson (on the left) a Britannique with a fondness for Rhône and a talent to annoy, quite rightly decided enough was enough.
He opened Willi's in 1980, and ever since, much to general astonishment and with many cries of "oh là là", the establishment has been going strong. We serve frequently interesting, sometimes obscure, invariably gorgeous wines. We serve food for lunch and dinner that is bistro with a twist. We do private dining and parties when you fancy it... All of that, AND original posters that are an ode to wine and the vine and the art de vivre that goes with. Welcome to the Bottle Art shop !
But mainly we have fun, and we hope you will too.
To visit the restaurant : www.williswinebar.com